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9 to 6 slavery, cities full of empty people, concrete jungle and meaningless smiles, frustrated with all these things we went on a journey which changed our life. Looking for a great escape and in pursuit of happiness,

we picked up our bags travelled for miles into unknown and to the remotest part,

what we found was our inner child and final answer to the riddle of our lives.

We trekked for hours through the dense forest, 
just to taste the water from azure river.

We Climbed mountains just to see the other side, believe us guys world looks different from that height.

Rode motorcycles from coast to coast, chasing the sun, dodging all the potholes and we even hitch hiked with the unknown souls.

We didn’t even know where we were gonna stay for the night, sometimes we stayed at the lodge, sometimes at some villager’s home, there were times when we had to pitch our tents in middle of nowhere under the full moon sky.

We don’t have any itinerary, neither any plan, what we have is one rucksack and excitement in our heart.

Come and join us and we will create a new story and moments that will make you cry.


Francisco Franco at 10:20 pm, May 24, 2018 - Reply

Hello there,

It is possible for you to tell me how did you create the orange “Insane Traveller” you have above? I would like to create something to myself with that kind of lettering

many thanks in advance
best regards from Portugal

Insane Traveller at 8:33 am, May 25, 2018 - Reply

It can be done on

eight − four =